Vineyard App Camp (VAC) partners with schools to teach specialized classes by hiring non-traditional teachers.
Vineyard App Camp (VAC) partners with schools to teach specialized classes by hiring non-traditional teachers.
Directors (VAC employees), use a dashboard to manage school, class, and teacher details and communications.
Sole designer, UX research & design
Figma, FigJam, Miro, Whimsical, ChatGPT
Goal 1: Simplify workflows
Goal 2: Extract and organize important info
I identified 3 primary workflows every Director had in common that would make the biggest impact, consulting with stakeholders through my decision making.
- Attendance section too small to see content clearly and there’s no separator between content
- Teacher attendance is found under “Afterschool Weekly Calendar”
- Director can’t update confirmation on their end, having to manually track attendance status
- Combined substitute assignment into single flow
- Reduced 10+ steps
Added overview to home page, side navigation, and flexible layout to leave room for additional features in the future.
A table shows relevant important information for quick browsing and filters help users identify primary information.
A two-pane view allows Directors to browse with ease and segmenting information into tabs reduces cognitive load when looking for data.
Over 20 steps were cut out of 3 workflows, including consolidating flows for a more seamless experience
Percentage of time saved for sub assignment flow based off user interviews and usability testing
There’s still much to do for this application, including more usability testing, improving and migrating the information architecture on the original dashboard, and redesigning more flows and pages to help employees, such as how they view seasonal notes for each school and class
Reduce number of steps for each workflows and organize information in a more intuitive manner so users can find information easily
I had limited time with employees’ to run user interviews, so I focused on optimizing flows over the of overhauling the information architecture of the entire app based on my conversations with stakeholders and their priorities.
I faced more challenges around collaboration than I'd anticipated and in the future will set expectations up front more clearly. Overall, it fun to work on a project where I had to learn about a new type of job and industry.